Justly Underrated

Song Lyric of the Day:

You took a white orchid / You took a white orchid turned it blue

The White Stripes / “Blue Orchid”

It’s storming here again today. Seriously storming. My poor dogs are a mess. Suddenly, they’ve found reservoir bladders that can hold all the pee they haven’t let out since approximately 11PM last night.

I’m going to spend my last standard Friday off by having lunch with Mom and Samantha. Then I’m going to peruse my usual haunt, McKay’s, and my soon-to-be-usual haunt, Hargreaves (everything’s discounted, and they have ALL the Ramona Quimby books!), until my allergist appointment at 2:30PM.

Yesterday, I had what can only be described as the best possible sendoff ever for someone who’d only worked with a company for just under two months. (Although it doesn’t beat the sendoff my Hampton, VA, buddies gave me after almost a year there). In addition to a fun dinner at Big Ed’s Pizza (I set a second-best record of 7 1/2 slices) with a couple of coworkers, including Kathy’s family, on Monday night, yesterday my on-site supervisor held a breakfast meeting, complete with bagels and schmear, for everyone to say bye to me. (My officemate, Kathy, also brought delicious chocolate cookies). I received a large, mounted photo of the project site, signed by people going all the way up to upper management. It will soon adorn my HGTV cubicle or office. So that was a great going-away present. I passed the rest of the day already mentally checked out before heading for my exit interview at my company’s nearby office. The HR woman who interviewed me was just as excited about my new job as everyone else I’ve worked with has been. When I said bye to my hiring manager, whom I’ve adored since day one, she said “I want a hug.” You can’t ask for more support than that. As you can see, these are some of the reasons why I’m going to do my best to stay in touch; even though I’ve only just gotten to know these people, I’m going to miss them.

To top things off, during my drive home I received a call from my new boss, who informed me that my phone and TV are waiting for me, soon to be followed by my computer. My work TV is waiting for me! Woohoo! I get to report to work at 9AM Monday morning, and can not wait.

Here’s to the next big chapter in my life…


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2 Responses to Justly Underrated

  1. Rich

    So this means you won’t need to watch tv at HOME, right? 🙂

    -sweet sincere hubbie

  2. Aunt Bea

    I’m glad that you have left a positive impression on your former employers. Don’t ever burn your bridges, I say. Can’t wait for the next chaper of your work life to begin. XOXO

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