You Really Haven’t Lived Life Yet If You Ain’t Got No Regrets

Song Lyric of the Day:

‘Cause she’s so high… / High above me, she’s so lovely /She’s so high… /Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite

Tal Bachman / “She’s So High”

I’ve entered a really great new chapter in my life. I like to think I’ve worked hard to get to this point in my life, that I’ve paid my dues, but I have to wonder if certain things in my life had been different–if I’d made different decisions–would I still be at the same place I’m at today?

I remember when I first followed the money and ended up working in a place that, by the end of my time working there, made me physically sick every time I walked in the door each morning. If I hadn’t worked there, would I have ended up at my next company when I did, with a job I truly enjoyed, and–particularly important after the environment I had just left–working with people I truly liked? Since then, I’ve never followed the money again. While making a good salary is nothing to sneeze at, it should never be the sole criteria in determining whether or not you take a job. Trust me, I speak from experience.

What other things in life do I regret? I regret never learning to speak Spanish well enough to communicate with my paternal grandmother on my own. I regret not having been more social in high school and throughout college, although I don’t think I could have forced myself out of my shell at that time in my life; I’m a vastly different person now. I regret not having been a better student. I regret not being able to be here for my family when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Fret not, though. I also regret really trivial things. Like not sprinting across the street when I was 99% certain I was looking at Keanu Reeves, sitting on a motorcycle outside a New York City comic book store. I regret not having dated more in high school and college. I regret never getting that pet hampster I lobbied so hard for as a child. I regret not watching Felicity until near the end of the show’s run. But would I change anything? I don’t think so. Our experiences shape who we are, for better or for worse.

What do you regret having done or not having done? Would you have done things differently?

I’m ecstatic that I can honestly say I love my life, I love where I am in my life, both personally and professionally, and I can only hope my decisions today lead me to an even better place in the future.

I forgot to say that my Aunt Bea rocks. She finally left a comment the other day, which made my day. God willing, I’ll be seeing her and my cousin, Rocky, soon–I’m flying up to New York City at the end of May for Bea’s wedding. Can’t wait!

Blog title comes from the Von Bondies song “No Regrets.”

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One Response to You Really Haven’t Lived Life Yet If You Ain’t Got No Regrets

  1. Brent

    I believe that our regrets can shape us as well.

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