When Pattie Met Mommy…

Song Lyric of the Day:

For the life of me I cannot remember / What made us think that we were wise and we’d never compromise

The Verve Pipe / “The Freshmen”

Happy Mother’s Day! This is the first Mother’s Day that I’ll be able to spend with my mom since 1999–I was in Virginia up until last year and I’m really looking forward to it. So in honor of her special day, I’m making a lasagna, caesar salad, and my patented, sinus-clearing garlic bread
© for dinner tonight. I’ll prepare everything here at my house, pack it up, and then head over to my parents’ house for a Mother’s Day dinner.

Thanks, Ma, for always being my best friend, for sometimes knowing me better than I know myself, for lending me a shoulder to cry on, for always being proud of me, for making me laugh, for being a great grandmama to my babies, and for always being an inspiration to me. I love you.

Oh, and thanks for never really following through on your threat to get the belt when we were little. As I recall, you’d only manage to say, “I’m going to get the b-,” before Samantha, Vanessa, and I would instantly start behaving. Very wise choice on our parts.

Happy Mother’s Day also to my favorite mother-in-law, Momma Carol. She has been like a second mother to me since I first met her, and for that I am grateful. I love you, Momma Carol.

And finally, Happy Mother’s Day to my Aunt Bea. Just think–this time next Sunday I’ll be there getting ready for your wedding. Can’t wait!


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2 Responses to When Pattie Met Mommy…

  1. Brent

    I think there needs to be a day where you make lasagna and garlic bread for me!

    Very nice. I know your mom appreciated it.

  2. Anonymous

    Missed you tonight at I-Hop but glad you were celebrating with your mother as it should be.

    Your love for me is one of God’s very special gifts to me. I love you too. Thank you for the blog greeting. Glad I checked in tonight.

    Please tell Aunt Bea that we wish them the very best.

    Momma Carol

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