Horror Movie Hangover / My Girlyfication

Song Lyric of the Day:

I am not your expectations no no / I am not my hair / I am not this skin / I am a soul that lives within

India.Arie / “I Am Not My Hair”

I’m pooped; I stayed at Mom and Dad’s house last night to take care of their dogs while they visited Vanessa and Ken in Clarksville. That’s not why I’m pooped, though. I’m pooped because Samantha came over to spend the night and we stayed up until 3:30AM watching horror movies. We started out with 28 Days Later, followed by Friday the 13th (old school, as Sam says), and rounded out with the craptacular Happy Hell Night. Samantha admitted it was so bad she had to stay awake just to see how it ended. I’m impressed we managed to watch three whole movies; we usually crap out after two. Turns out an Ed Wood-quality movie is what it takes to get us to three.

I started out yesterday by getting my hair cut at Ross the Boss; my boss’s daughter works there and I had her lop off most of my hair. My hair was almost down to the middle of my back and now it’s barely shoulder-length; it feels great. I also let her give me long layers, so now I’ve got a lot more curl to my hair, which is normally just wavy since I always have it longer. Now I can stop going through conditioner like there’s no tomorrow.

Rich is also very fond of my new do. He commented on how lately he’s noticed that I’m dressing and primping much more than I used to–that I’m becoming more girly. He’s right–I have a job now where I can dress up or dress down, so when I dress up, I try to be as fashionable as I can. I’m painting my nails (even my toenails) and have even worn makeup a couple of days. Granted, one day it was to conceal the horrific dark circles under my eyes thanks to a sleepless night. I also wear high heels more than I ever have; since I’m 5’8″, I end up towering over most of my female coworkers. I’m definitely having fun playing dress up, though. It certainly makes me feel more grown up, too.

Speaking of playing dress up, I was Samantha’s model at David’s Bridal this afternoon. She had me try on a few different bridesmaid’s dresses. Since I’m the next best thing to seeing it on the hanger (ha ha), we got a pretty good idea of how the other bridesmaids would look in the different styles I tried on. We’ve got it narrowed down to three dresses now, so we’re making progress. Whichever we end up choosing, at least the styles are so contemporary that the dresses can be worn again for different social occasions, like Vanessa’s bridesmaid’s dress. Now I just need to be sure to get nice and tan before the wedding in October in case Sam chooses to go with this beautiful yellow color that she loves. In my current pale state, the yellow makes me look like a top candidate for a liver transplant. Seriously. I really am that pale right now.


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2 Responses to Horror Movie Hangover / My Girlyfication

  1. Sam

    You seriously are that pale…had fun, thanks for having Cyrus and I over! I did notice the painted toenails…kinda wondered bout that..

  2. shera1432

    Show us a pic of the new do’!

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