The Fifth of July

Song Lyric of the Day:

“What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!” says a bridesmaid to a waiter. / “And yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom’s bride is a whore.”

Panic! at the Disco / “I Write Sins Not Tragedies”

I need a caffeine IV drip, stat. I’m really struggling today. Knowing today was a workday, Rich and I still went to bed at midnight last night. Why? Because we’re idiots. As if me staying up into the wee hours Friday night through Monday night wasn’t enough, I capped it off with staying up too late last night. And, boy, am I paying for it today.

Rich and I had a last-minute 4th of July get-together yesterday. It was attended by Curry, Jonnie, Benjamin, and Tamara. Brent even managed to stop by before driving back to Clarksville. We ate too much food and followed that up by playing some PS2 games and the longest game of Bang! ever. The gang left around 8PM, and Rich and I agreed that an evening of vegetating would be the best course of action for the rest of the night. So while he played World of Warcraft, I finished catching up on season five of 24 (three hours to go! almost there!).

My big news is that I caved: I finally set up a MySpace page. What can I say? I’m a lemming. I saw the cliff all my friends are jumping off of, and I jumped, too. Honestly, though, the main reason I set up a page is to see who’s looking for me. According to and, people have been looking for me. But I’m not about to pay either of those sites to find out who, so I went to where it’s free. I’ve sent out friend invites, myself, so we’ll see who bites. And now I sit and wait…

This will still be my blog, though. I’m not going to bother with the MySpace blog feature unless it’s to direct people here. For those of you who pay attention to my Song Lyric of the Day, the music player I set up on my MySpace page features a lot of the songs I have used here. Earth-shattering, I know.

Rich sent me a link to this earlier. A Chewbacca puppet? I would die a happy woman if I could get a hold of that (and, yes, I know it’s not for sale). The Darth Maul puppet is pretty cool, too. Here’s hoping the next puppet yielded by the project is a Yoda one. So long as it’s not Jar Jar Binks.

Well, well, well. The dumbing down of America continues. Apparently, there’s a movement to increase literacy rates and help kids learn faster by changing the way words are spelled. Excuse me? How in holy hell is this going to help anyone? I guess instead of improving our education system and literacy programs it’s just easier to change the way words are spelled so they’re spelled phonetically. I understand the English language is complicated, but what language isn’t? Granted, I think we have more idioms than most languages, but the issue here is the way words are spelled. I’m an English major, so this offends me to my very core. Seriously. Misspelling on purpose? Dumbing down our language? I actually think my head might explode. In the near future.

What next? What else could make our lives easier? Using giant Legos to build houses?

Simplified spelling? More like streamlined stupidity.

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One Response to The Fifth of July

  1. Sam

    It was SO ABOUT time you caved! Welcome to OUR world..mwahahaha…hopefully we can get together soon…Love you

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