The Lost Saturday

Song Lyric of the Day:

She is the prom queen, I’m in the marching band / She is a cheerleader, I’m sitting in the stands / She gets the top bunk, I’m sleeping on the floor / She’s Miss America / And I’m just the girl next door

Saving Jane / “Girl Next Door”

Nothing like a lazy Saturday. Rich and I woke up later than planned, so we missed out on tubing today. So there’s a fear delayed: being seen in a bikini by your friends (I wear a two-piece to break up the monotony). Weather permitting, we’re going to try for tomorrow.

We woke up basically at lunchtime (but too late to meet my parents for lunch), took the dogs for a walk, spent way too long deciding what we were going to do with our day, and finally agreed on going to see a matinee of Cars (very funny; go see it).

We hit Best Buy on the way home so Rich could spend a gift card; he decided to pick up season one of Battlestar Galactica. I contemplated buying the collector’s editions of seasons seven and nine of The X Files since they are now only $41.99. I decided to do some comparison shopping tomorrow before deciding whether or not to go back and pick them up. If I do, I would then only need seasons one, six, and eight to complete my collection. And all for half of what they were originally priced.

Once home, we vegged. We ordered a pizza from Brunetti’s and ate dinner as we watched the first hour and a half of The 40 Year Old Virgin. Rich got antsy and broke away to play World of Warcraft, so I continued practicing playing SSX Tricky; I’ve been on a roll the last few days–I get really big air now. Rich played a couple of games against me, winning one. What can I say? My snowboarder, Elise, is now a bonafide veteran. I rule.

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One Response to The Lost Saturday

  1. -Chewey-

    You sound vaguely familiar. I don’t really know you but I play SSX Tricky, as Elise (The Canadian Snowboarder) and I myself have a someone special named Rich…. I’m a bit frightened 😛

    The name’s Chewey, put ‘er there!


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