Mood Music

Song Lyric of the Day:

I’m glad you got out / But I miss you / I’ve had a hole in my heart / For so long / I’ve learned to fake it and /Just smile along

Iggy Pop & Kate Pierson / “Candy”

As my nine or so loyal readers know, I am very, very into song lyrics (see above). And not just so I can have a different Song Lyric of the Day every day, either.

Whenever I listen to music, I always pay attention to the songs’ lyrics. Why? Obvious love of words aside, because a well-written song, with clever lyrics, imaginative rhymes, and unique words (televangahypnotism) can transport me in the same way a book can. Like authors and poets, songwriters (the majority, anyway) tell stories complete with characters, plots, and themes. They tackle issues to increase social awareness. They find the words to express our innermost feelings. They detail obsessions and fetishes. And sometimes they just make us laugh.

That said, here’s what some songs mean to me or make me think and feel. I’ve linked to the lyrics so you can interpret at will.

I could come up with dozens more, but I’ll wait to see what, if any feedback, I get on this post. What do certain songs mean to you?


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3 Responses to Mood Music

  1. Rich

    I think in very general terms, and more about what each group makes me feel. IE introspective: U2 or Stone Roses… ticked off or need to drive fast: Tool… Wanna rock old school: Superdrag, Zeppelin, Hendrix…

  2. Jonnie

    Thanx for the Scarlet Thread pandering…Flattery will get you everywhere….For my part, lately I have been listening to Black Gospel a lot…I think there is something transcendent about a choir singing in harmony….Very moving….Like U2’s version of “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” on the Rattle and Hum record…..the choir takes the song to another level. Anyway, that’s my two cents

  3. the liberal samurai

    When you want to stick it to the man: Fight the Power (Public Enemy).

    When you’re pissed off at the world Me Against The World (2Pac)

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