Very Slightly Modifying the World One Post at a Time

Song Lyric of the Day:

What have you found / That there’s no time / There’s no time / To analyse / To think things through / To make sense

Thom Yorke / “Analyse”

The BlogHer conference starts this weekend in San Jose, CA. While I am blogrolled with BlogHer, I am obviously not going to make it to the conference this year (maybe next year). So in lieu of me going, I’m going to address their theme for this year: How is your blog changing the world?

So how is my blog changing the world? Easy answer–it’s not. I recently wrote about why I like to read blogs (which is why this post will be fairly short–I already said what I needed to say), and I guess that’s why my 10 regular readers (see, I added one) check in on a fairly consistent basis. But I know it’s not because I’m rocking their world or anything.

BlogHer also asks: How are blogs making a difference in your lives, your families, your communities, your businesses and/or the world around you? I guess the most obvious thing blogs have in common is that they keep us connected. To each other, to our interests, to the world at large. I know why my family and friends check in regularly–to get a glimpse into my verbose, sometimes oddly peculiar personality. As for strangers who stumble across my blog and come back on occasion, I guess they’re interested in reading what it’s like to be a young, married, TV and movie fanatic, dog- and cat-parenting, Puerto Rican copy editor and part-part-part-time actress living in East Tennessee. I’m speculating here, but you get the idea.

I feel fortunate to be part of the blogosphere (and, by proxy, the crazy MySpace world) precisely because these are the very technologies (hello, YouTube) revolutionizing the world on a daily basis. People meet, reunite, and network before meeting face-to-face, products (TV shows, movies, books) can be marketed like never before, and internet stars are born daily, among other things.

As for the future, how long will I maintain this blog? I guess for as long as people stop by to read what I write. Or at least until I can attend a BlogHer conference.

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