
Song Lyric of the Day:

I am patient, I am calling you / In the Teahouse of the Spirits / I can feel you / I can hear you / Give it all up just to be near you / I am praying, I am calling you

The Panic Channel / “Teahouse of the Spirits”

The weekend was a hodgepodge of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Here’s the rundown.

Yum Yum, Movie Star OR My Cat is Ready for His Close-Up, Mr. DeMille
My friend, Nan, made my day early Friday morning. She’s starring in a locally-filmed horror movie spoof, and the director asked her if she knew of any black cats who would like to be in a movie. Amazingly enough, she thought of Yum Yum. Should Yum Yum get the part, he’ll be playing Ralph, a demon-possessed kitty who kills his owners and attacks a man’s crotch (although a stunt kitty will do the crotch-mauling). As Rich says, it’s the part he was born to play.

Premature Demolition
Our contractor didn’t show up on time Friday afternoon. In fact, he didn’t show all weekend. Or call. We’re clueless as to why he’d go AWOL without an explanation. At least we didn’t pay him any money; we’re out what we paid for our new doors and windows, but those materials will still be used. Hopefully when he calls with the most amazingly creative excuse we’ve ever heard. In the meantime, our Florida room sits empty in all its slanted-floor glory.

Earning Our Bedroom Stripes…
While waiting (and waiting) to hear from our contractor, Rich and I finished painting our bedroom. As you may have guessed, the ugly wall incident soured us a bit on decorative paint techniques (again–easy, my ass!), so we stuck with solid colors this time around. We went with a dark purple for the lower half of the wall and a complementary shade of blue for the top half, with an angle in the corners. We’re much happier with the new paint scheme. Speaking of making our furniture look great against the wall colors…

…Without a Bed
Yesterday Rich started to assemble the IKEA bed we bought last year at the Atlanta store’s grand opening. We’d been eagerly looking forward to the day when we finished painting our bedroom, since that was the day we’d assemble our new bed and matching nightstands. Our bedroom suite would be complete. Alas, it was not to be. Rich noticed there weren’t any instructions for the bed. And that maybe some parts were missing. He called IKEA technical support and was informed that we are missing two of the three boxes containing the bed components. Turns out that helpful assistant last year (“Oh, yeah, you have everything you need for the bed! I got it all for you.”) didn’t know her ass from a king-sized bed frame. So now we have to plan a trip to freaking Atlanta, receipts in hand, to claim our missing bed parts. Then, and only then, will our bedroom be complete. I’m thinking a trip to Six Flags is in order while we’re down there.

What a Pisser
Late last night we noticed blood on the kitchen floor. After a frantic pat-down of each animal, we concluded that none of them were in any way visibly injured. A light bulb then clicked on for me–could Finn have such a severe bladder infection that she’s peeing blood? My poor kitty has always been prone to bladder infections, but never one so bad she peed blood. I went down to the laundry room, and–bingo–there she was, straining to go in the litter box. I noticed clumped blood in the box and knew it was definitely her. I took her to the vet first thing this morning to be checked out. Her bloodwork came back clean, which is great news, because with infections like this you have to be concerned with kidney function; hers are working fine. Her radiographs didn’t show any stones, so that’s also good. Her urinalysis results will be back tomorrow, and the vet will devise a plan of action from there. When I went to pick Finn up, Tracy, one of the technicians told me exactly how angry Finn was at being at the vet.

“Any time someone passed in front of her kennel, she would throw her arms through the bars and try to hit us.”

“Oh, God, I’m sorry. I’m so embarrassed. I can’t believe she’d do that.”

Tracy laughed. “It’s okay. We would just watch and laugh. We’ve never seen a cat do that before. She was fine once we had her in the towel.”

Yep, that’s my baby, alright.

I was finishing telling Tracy about Yum Yum’s possible movie role when Ashley, another technician, walked up to the desk.

“Yum Yum as a demon? I can’t see that. He’s such a sweetheart.” Ashley shook her head. “Now, Finn, on the other hand…”

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One Response to Eh

  1. Sam

    I can so see Yum Yum being that role

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