Searching for Rip Van Winkle

Song Lyric of the Day:

You’re casting opinions at people who need them / All sparks will burn out in the end / Well be careful angel, this life is just too long

Editors / “All Sparks”

Where the hell have I been lately? Sleeping, that’s where I’ve been. Rather, what I’ve been doing. As I’ve mentioned before, I have insomnia. And these last weeks, boy, has it reared its ugly, sleep-depriving head.

Besides wasting precious, potential sleep time on blogging, among other things, I’ve done nothing lately. Seriously. Even my TV watching has significantly scaled back, largely due to the fact that most nights I could barely keep my eyes open past 8PM.

Since Monday, I’ve finally started to regain some daytime alertness, which is a wonderful thing. I’ve been so fatigued up until this week that I would doze off during the day (at work, home, wherever), I couldn’t make it through the 6:30PM World News Tonight broadcast without passing out, I’d get drowsy driving, I’d be in bed by 9:30. Forget about doing anything remotely productive–that takes energy and focus, two things which I’ve been sorely lacking lately.

My problem is officially sleep maintenance–I can fall asleep pretty easily, but I wake up often throughout the night. So my eight hours of rest in actuality nets me only about five hours of actual sleep, which I can’t function well on.

In the hopes of regaining the ability to sleep like a normal person, I underwent a sleep study last week at Baptist Sleep Institute and have started seeing a psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (referred by my sleep doctor). Long story short, the good doctor is going to teach me how to let things go and better deal with life’s ambiguities–he’s going to “retrain” me on how to sleep. Let me just add here that during my initial sleep doctor consultation, the phrase “type A personality” came up a couple of times: Your word to spell is “insomnia.” Insomnia: a-n-x-i-e-t-y. Insomnia.

So to dear Anonymous, I haven’t forgotten about earlier posts I need/want to finish, add pictures to, etc. I’ve just been too tired up until now to deal with them. But I’m finally feeling like I’m starting to get back on track this week. And waking up.


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6 Responses to Searching for Rip Van Winkle

  1. Anonymous

    Looking forward to reading your blog entries again!

    Love you,
    Momma Carol

  2. kat

    wow. you’ve lost almost as much time as i have! well, maybe not that much.

    how about you come visit for a week and help me watch all 4 of our kids – it will snap that sleep problem right back into place!! lol. seriously, tho, good luck…there is nothing fun about sleep deprivation.

    thanks for adding me back to your list 😉 i’m glad to be back and bloggin.

  3. shera1432

    At least there is a REASON you’ve been so cranky when I’ve called lately! Not just you being cranky-just because! lol. You will sleep like you used to ( 14 hours a day ) sooner or later! Good luck! I have been having sleep problems too, but that’s because I have been home for 2 weeks with nothing to do BUT sleep!

  4. The Fish Contingent

    Please check out our new record!

  5. The Invisible Man

    I heard you tell jokes really well…..Can’t wait to hear one!……..I’m right behind you.

  6. Rip Van Winkle

    Someone said you were looking for me….I live in Florida now with my grandkids…..The winters are milder here..Gotta go trim this beard again…Seeya around


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