Good News, Bad News, and a Nose Job

Song Lyric of the Day:

Lookin’ for somebody / Young enough to take it on / Clean up the corruption / And make the country strong

Neil Young / “Lookin’ for a Leader”

Good News
Well, the Democrats are in control of the House once again. Now we just need to win the Senate; here’s hoping Virginia and Montana get it right.

Bad News
Unfortunately, here in Tennessee we did not get it right, and that weenie Bob Corker is now our Senator. The only consolation–and it’s a tiny one at this point–is that Harold Ford, Jr. really gave him a run for his money. He may not have won, but he came pretty damn close and is still the better man.

A Nose Job
Okay, it’s not really a nose job. But I am doing my best not to freak out about my sinus surgery tomorrow. A while back, my allergist confirmed that I do indeed have a slightly deviated septum. Fast forward to an ENT appointment a month or so ago, and it turns out my septum isn’t just a little bit bowed, it’s way out of whack–to the point that I haven’t been able to breathe through my right nostril for quite some time now. Thanks to my septum not being where it’s supposed to be, my left turbinate has grown out of control. So in addition to having my septum destroyed and rebuilt, my ENT has to shave down bone, too. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? You can see why I’m nervous. My doctor assures me that I won’t be in an excruciating amount of pain and that he’ll have me on good drugs (his words, not mine); I won’t even need packing. I’ll just need to not cry like a little baby because of the pain.

Well, as expected, Tennessee and Knox County had lousy voter turnout. Of the state’s registered voters, only about 51% made it to the polls. And only about 50% of Knox County’s registered voters tried to make a difference. Talk about disheartening.

In other, nose-related news, I’m really starting to freak out about my sinus surgery. I’d cancel it right now if the prospect of finally being able to breathe well weren’t so damn appealling.

The day suddenly brightened upon hearing the news that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is outta here. Lucky him–it’s not every day you’re sacrificed (officially, he’s resigning, but whatever) by your political party. You know, this actually helps take the sting out of Ford not winning just a little bit.

Guess what? My ENT’s office just called a few minutes ago to cancel my surgery for tomorrow morning. My ENT had a family emergency arise, so it can’t be helped. Still, it stinks (no pun intended). I’ll find out tomorrow morning if they can squeeze me in for 1PM Friday afternoon instead. If they can’t, who knows how long I’ll have to wait for the next available slot? My ENT is a very busy man.


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2 Responses to Good News, Bad News, and a Nose Job

  1. the liberal samurai

    Am I the only one who thinks the graphic for the sinus surgery would make a cool tattoo. I definately need to get some sleep! BTW, check out that new Christian Bale flick Harsh Times. It was at Toronto back in 04 and it was fantastic!

  2. shera1432

    Your doctor is a liar-cause that IS GONNA HURT! Liar liar!

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