Pet Santa Hat Torture Project 2006

Song Lyric of the Day:

Say mutt?

Bob Rivers’ Twisted Christmas / “Be Claus I Got High”

Time for fun with animals! I decided it was time to take portraits of my babies in their Santa hats. As you can see, their reactions range from surprising to downright alarming.

Belle had no choice since Rich was holding her.

Buster resorted to purring in self-defense.
Caleb begged for food in between attempts to flip the hat off his head.
Snoops imagined she was in her happy place.
Finn began plotting my death.
And Yum Yum simply flopped over and played dead.


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4 Responses to Pet Santa Hat Torture Project 2006

  1. shera1432

    GOOD GOD! Wait till the humane society sees the one of yum-yum! Talk about torture! I laughed my butt off, thanks!

  2. Anonymous

    How funny!

    I vote for Caleb #1 and Buster #2.

  3. Brent

    Wow! Yum-yum really does look dead. Are you sure he isn’t?

  4. kathy

    I would keep one eye open while you sleep if I were you.

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