Bundle’s Got a Brand-New Name

Song Lyric of the Day:

A moment, a love / A dream aloud / A kiss, a cry / Our rights, our wrongs / A moment, a love / A dream aloud

Temper Trap
/ “Sweet Disposition

As the 19 of you who bother reading my blog (thanks! and see what I did? I added one) know, Rich and I are expecting a baby girl late this summer. We’ve been calling her Bundle almost from the get-go. We couldn’t quite agree on names (see that last link) and had to call her something. So Bundle it was.

Finally, last Sunday, as we crawled around our A-frame removing staples from the finished hardwood floor, we decided on her name: Coraline Olivia. (We’re already calling her Cora.) Of all the names we’d bandied about, it was the one it turns out we both kept coming back to. And the next day, after work, we had our 3-D ultrasound and got to see her face for the first time:

Playing “Where’s the Baby”

Practicing making the “loser” sign while also showing her love for Glee

Still playing “Where’s the Baby”

Throwing down some baby gang signs

Alright, Mr. Demille, I”m ready for my closeup.

And waving goodbye when she’d had enough

We were thrilled to see her waving around and opening and closing her mouth. I laughed at how her nose looks like Rich’s, although it looks like she needs to grow into it. We both laughed when I asked the technician to zoom in on Cora’s little feet only to see Cora reach down and grab her foot as if she were showing off. And we are now even more in love with this little girl, who we cannot wait to meet.

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Filed under baby name, coraline olivia, personal, pregnancy

7 Responses to Bundle’s Got a Brand-New Name

  1. Nharless

    What a beautiful little girl! I can't wait to meet Miss Cora! BIG congrats!

  2. Cynthia

    Love the name!!!!

  3. Angusparvo

    Awww, I liked "Bundle." I'm still calling her Bundle.

  4. Kellie

    How exciting! What a glorious event you all will experience soon! God Bless you and what a great name!!

  5. pattie74

    Kellie — Thanks for the support. 🙂

    Angusparvo — You have my permission to keep calling her Bundle.

    Cynthia — I knew you would. 😉

    Nan — Thanks! She can't wait to meet you, either.

  6. Marie

    What a beautiful name! It's impossible to say it without smiling. 🙂

  7. pixiegiant

    The last one is my fav!!! So pretty

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