Surviving Duck Duck Goose

Song Lyric of the Day:

So tell me when you hear my heart stop / You’re the only one that knows / Tell me when you hear my silence / There’s a possibility I wouldn’t know

Lykke Li / “Possibility

Last Wednesday I went to the big, biannual children’s consignment sale, Duck Duck Goose. And good lord — what an experience. Taking place in an old K-Mart location in West Knoxville, I’d heard about how crazy it could be, both from one of my sisters and friends who are moms. Not to mention the packed parking lot whenever I’d pass it. I’d wanted to attend their fall event, but I’d just given birth to Coraline and couldn’t drive; by the time I found out it was going on, it was the last day. So for their spring event, I was determined to see firsthand what the fuss was all about. First, I registered in their First Moms Club; as such, I received a special wristband that got me into the preview sale Wednesday night (it would open to the public the following day). I got in line to be admitted at about 7:10PM; I got in the door right at 7:30. Once inside, I was overwhelmed by the sheer madness of it — so many people and so much STUFF to look through. Basically, if it’s an item for a baby, toddler, or child, they’ve got it. I spent about an hour shopping; I didn’t shop longer since I quickly tired of slogging through the piles and seemingly endless racks of stuff.

Here’s a rundown of what I picked up for Coraline.

Nursery-rhyme stacking blocks, a punching penguin, pop-up animals, a bilingual drum, and an alphabet/number block:


New used toys!

A closeup of the stacking nursery-rhyme blocks:

Nursery rhyme blocks

Nursery rhyme blocks

Some summer outfits, including two with ladybugs (one with a headband):

Summer outfits

Summer outfits

A couple more light summer outfits:

More summer outfits

More summer outfits

Two pairs of jeans and a Winnie the Pooh two-piece outfit:

Jeans and another outfit

Jeans and another outfit

Various onesies:



Shoes, glorious shoes, including three with the tags still on and a $3 pair of Robeez:



A beautiful, fancy dress with the tags still on:

Flower dress

Flower dress

And my favorite item, a dress I would so wear if it were in my size, also new with the tags still on:

Polka-dot dress

Polka-dot dress

It took me an hour and 15 minutes to check out from the time I got in line with my items. Was it worth it? Hell yes. Although next time I’ll pay the $10 to charity to “duck out of line” — volunteers hold your place in line until you’re ready to check out. All told, I bought Coraline five like-new toys (my fear of germs kept me from buying ones in slightly more used condition), 11 outfits, two dresses, two pairs of jeans, and eight pairs of shoes. For $94. So you can bet that I’ll be going back to their fall event. And I will most definitely be ducking out of line.

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