Happy 13th Anniversary to My Husband

Song Lyric of the Day:

I belong with you, you belong with me / You’re my sweetheart / I belong with you, you belong with me / You’re my sweet

Lumineers / “Ho Hey

What can I say after 13 years together that I haven’t already said? Rich, you are still my best friend, the best friend I’ve ever had, in fact. Not only do you continue evolving as a wonderful, loving, supportive partner, your continuing evolution as a father leaves me in awe. I also have it on very good authority that Coraline is quite fond of you; you are the “fun” parent, after all (or so she tells me). Thank you for being our everything.



Rich and I on our wedding day, April 8, 2000. So young ...

Our family 2013

Rich, Coraline, and I on our 13th anniversary today.


Filed under anniversary, marriage, personal, relationship

3 Responses to Happy 13th Anniversary to My Husband

  1. rich

    I’m honored just to be nominated šŸ™‚

    Love you too, boo.

  2. Miss A

    Happy Anniversary! You guys are really cute (though the cutest is that kid of yours). Hugs.

    • administrator

      Thanks, Miss A! And I wholeheartedly agree that Coraline takes the cake in the cute department. šŸ˜‰

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