Category Archives: baby

Dear Coraline

Dear Coraline,

As of one o’clock this morning, you are now officially a week old. And even though you’re only a week old, your dad and I feel like we’ve already known you for a lifetime — like we’ve known you forever (as opposed to your dad saying he and I have been together forever). Since your arrival last Thursday, we’ve marveled over even the slightest thing you’ve done. Your little blinks, sighs, coos, smiles, and smirks melt our hearts every single time. We’ve officially turned into those people who say how becoming a parent changes everything in your life for the better, because, well, for us it definitely has. Being more tired than we’re used to as we all adjust to a new schedule has been totally worthwhile. Sure, we no longer know what day it is unless we consult our DVR, but we couldn’t be happier that we’re able to spend this time at home getting to know you. The three of us holed up in our house, spending that time together, have been some of the happiest days your dad and I have ever known.

We waited years for you to come along — you are, after all, our 10th Anniversary Commemorative Baby© — and you were definitely worth the wait (even if you didn’t like the day we picked for you to be born on, leading to you being born a day later than planned). Then again, your dad and I noticed throughout our entire pregnancy how headstrong you are. I’m surprised the doctor didn’t find a little periscope in there with you because you always knew whenever anyone besides me was trying to feel you kick and move; you’d immediately stop whatever you were doing as soon as anyone else placed their hand on my belly. At least you’d occasionally validate your dad’s efforts with a kick or two.

You’ve adapted remarkably well to your new environment, and are an impressively mellow baby. You really only cry when you need to be changed or when you’d rather stay asleep on either me or your dad instead of being placed back in your bassinet. You don’t even flinch whenever our dogs bark, which is still more often than we’d like. Of course, the dogs have essentially become your dogs as they officially took on guardianship duties. Caleb and Troubadour constantly mother-hen you, with Caleb’s metamorphosis into Nana from Peter Pan almost complete (he can’t stand not checking on you at least a hundred times a day). As for the cats, well, they’re adapting, too. Belle seems fondest of you, probably because she knows you have round-the-clock access to dairy. At least you’ve got one big, very concerned dog watching out for you, right?

As I’m writing this your dad and I are in the living room, where we can see you sleeping peacefully in your bassinet via the video monitor your great-aunt Bea got you. I know you’ll wake up in about an hour to be fed and changed and cuddled. You’re a world-class snuggler, and I cherish every second of those snuggles when you’ve just eaten and you coo as you fall asleep on my chest. You also enjoy those same snuggles with your dad after he’s fed you or just when you need to be soothed; you really love his voice and how safe he makes you feel. He calmed you down within seconds after your birth when I could only listen to what was going on from behind the blue surgical curtain. It really is all the little things that add up — how you feel comforted by and safe with us, how you knew from the moment you were born exactly who we were, and how your now-hazel eyes have been taking everything in since day one.

I know I also speak for your dad when I say how I can’t wait to see the little girl you’ll become someday — who you’ll look like, what your voice will sound like, what your interests will be. Because we’re already so in love with the amazing, one-week-old baby you are and look forward to embarking on the journey we’ll be taking as a family.




Filed under baby, dear coraline, mommyblogging, personal

Bundle Is a Punk Rocker

Song Lyric of the Day:

I could be chasing but my time would be wasted / They got nothin’ on you baby / Nothin’ on you baby / They might say hi and i might say hey / But you shouldn’t worry about what they say / Cause they got nothin’ on you baby

B.o.B (featuring Bruno Mars) / “Nothin’ on You

Ever since finding out we’re having a baby girl, I’ve been resisting the urge to go crazy buying Bundle a massive wardrobe (although I would’ve gone nuts shopping for a boy, too). It helps that Target and Babies ‘R’ Us sell mostly traditional, although really cute, clothes. Having a second mortgage looming over us is also a really effective deterrent when it comes to resisting the urge to shop these days.

A lot of the clothes I want for Bundle happens to be stuff I found online: cool, unique, and punk-type stuff. I fully plan on compiling an online wish list in the very near future including some of these outfits, but in the meantime I thought I’d share some of my favorites from the website My Baby Rocks.

All she’ll need to complete the look is a rub-on tattoo of a pacifier.

One way or another, I will get her this outfit.

Cute girly dresses to balance out the skulls and crossbones …

… including a cupcake dress.Even her non-horror-movie-loving dad approves of this message.

Choice shoes and accessories will make or break her wardrobe.
Last, but not least, this is the outfit I MUST get her. She wouldn’t be able to call herself punk without it.
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Filed under baby, baby clothes, mommyblogging, pregnancy, wish list

My Life’s in Turnaround

Song Lyric of the Day:

Whenever I look back / On the best days of my life / I think I saw them all on T.V. / I am so homesick now for / Someone that I never knew / I am so homesick for / Someplace I will never be

The Bravery / “Time Won’t Let Me Go”

In addition to losing Yum Yum and Snoops this summer, my first boss recently passed away, too. He was a really great man, the kind of person you’re fortunate to have as your first boss at your first job. I’m glad I got to see him not too long ago; I only wish I’d talked to him a bit longer.
Still, not everything of late has been doom and gloom. To wit:

  • I celebrated yet another birthday recently (September 17)
  • Our two new sofas were finally delivered (Frankencouch© was happily accepted by our dog nephew, Moose). And it only took nine weeks (two to five weeks my ass)
  • Several home improvement projects are coming to completion
  • My dream closet is 75% (if you ask Rich, 80% if you ask me) complete — I could sleep in there, there’s so much room!
  • Satan has not yet reclaimed Troubadour as his puppy
  • I’m reconnecting with old friends
  • We now have two dual-tuner HD DVRs, so I’m on TV overload

One of the best things to happen of late was that my husband reminded me why I married him: he’s an awesome, kickass guy. Sneaky, too. He organized a surprise birthday party for me the Sunday before my birthday. The kicker? He got everyone to chip in and buy me my Pottery Barn desk as my present. (I kept putting off buying it since I’m making headway with my last remaining credit card. Being practical can be a real drag.) My new desk is awesome — and huge! I can invite a few friends over, and we can play Fort under it, it’s so big. So thanks again to Rich for being the best husband in the world, and thanks also to my family and friends who chipped in and made my birthday far better than I expected, or deserved, for it to be this year.

Hands-down, though, the best thing to happen lately is that my nephew, Elliott, was born healthy and happy on September 2. He inadvertently stole my sister, Samantha’s, birthday thunder, but she’s OK about that — she gets to be the “cool” aunt with whom he’ll always share the big day. I, however, will always have gum. Here’s the first picture I took of him; I had to use my camera phone since Vanessa ended up having an emergency C-section and it’s all I had with me.

He’s now 27 days old and the newest love of my life. He’s happy and healthy, and Vanessa and Ken have taken very naturally, and admirably, to parenthood. I can’t wait to see the personality the little guy develops.

El Burrito Elliott


Filed under baby, family, home improvement, life, nephew

It’s a Boy – Squared!

Song Lyric of the Day:

What a day to absorb / What a day to welcome a baby / And to begin breathing

Greg Laswell / “What a Day

Our family is growing this year. My sister and brother-in-law are expecting their first baby this summer. Meet my future nephew, Elliott:
I can’t wait to meet Elliott, especially in light of everything his parents (and our family as a whole) went through last year. I’m going to do the best I can to spoil him rotten, instill in him a love of reading and photography, and teach him how to swear in pig latin.


While Rich and I are not adding a human baby to our family mix anytime soon, we did add to our family nonetheless this weekend. Meet our new son, Troubadour Hobo:

Troubadour (Tru for short) is a Bagle, a Basset Hound-Beagle mix. He’s 10 weeks old and weighs about five pounds. Rich and I adopted him from the Monroe County Animal Shelter (MCAS) yesterday.
Adopting a new puppy was not a decision we made lightly. We’ve talked about it off and on for over a year now. The clincher, though, was the week Caleb spent playing with his cousins while we were in Uruguay. To hear Ken and Vanessa tell it, he played non-stop the entire time we were gone (his boy cousins are three and four years old). His big sister, Snoops, is 12 now, and her arthritis precludes her from playing with him the way his younger cousins can. So what to do that wouldn’t upset our family balance too much? Adopt a puppy. Tru is young enough that Snoops accepted him immediately (she would reject an older dog), happily going into mothering mode. Caleb likes him, but is dealing with some slight jealousy issues (read: every toy in the world should belong to Caleb).

Rich and I recently fell in love with a gorgeous pit bull puppy named Billie, but as Billie is a boy, we did not get to adopt him because it’s inadvisable to have pits of the same sex. Lo and behold, Rich was doing some online puppy surfing the other day, and we found ourselves driving to the MCAS yesterday. We recognized Hobo from his picture online and fell in love with him instantly, even though we did look at all the other puppies onsite at the time. The funny thing is that Hobo, as he was named by the shelter, had on a pink collar — he’d mistakenly been identified as a girl. After signing the adoption papers, we noticed some extra baggage attached to his undercarriage and confirmed that the pink-collared Hobo was not a girl at all. So after a second of disappointment at not having a little girl puppy I could at long last dress up (much to Rich’s chagrin), we decided we already loved him too much to turn him back in and wait for a girl puppy. Now I have to find little boy puppy clothes for him (much to Rich’s chagrin).

After a day and a half with his new family, Tru is doing great. He seems fearless, only getting scared once, when Caleb growled at him for playing with his rope (because all toys should belong to Caleb only). Snoops enjoys following him around, making sure he’s OK, while he in turn loves to play with her tail. He is in awe of his big brother, kissing Caleb whenever possible, and putting his paws on Caleb’s face. Which is pretty funny to watch, since Tru’s entire body is the size of Caleb’s head. The cats have already adapted, which we attribute to Caren bringing her puppy, Willow, over often enough that they know what to expect. And how to avoid a puppy. Willow (and her mom) actually came over tonight, which thrilled all our dogs to no end.

I have to admit, the best part of having adopted Tru (aside from his fantastic portability), is that, so far, he seems to love me more than he loves Rich. Having been tossed aside by Snoops once Rich and I got together, and with Caleb worshipping the ground his Papa walks on, it’s a great feeling.
*Note to Vanessa: It’s not a couch! But he IS brown and he IS a permanent fixture in our house. 🙂


Filed under baby, pet rescue, puppy, puppy adoption, ultrasound