Tag Archives: flaming lips

Three Years (and a Day) of Blogging: The Horror

Song Lyric of the Day:

Time after time those fanatical minds try to rule all the world / Telling us all it’s them who’s in charge of it all / I’ve got a trick, a magic stick, that will make them all fall / We’ve got the power now, motherfuckers; that’s where it belongs

The Flaming Lips / “W.A.N.D.

Yesterday was my third blogging anniversary. Three years of ranting, opinionating, reviewing, blathering, and song-lyric-of-the-day-selecting, and have I learned anything or made any impact on the world? Nah. Although I have come a long way, personally and professionally, since I started. So that’s something, at least.

I missed blogging yesterday on my actual anniversary since I spent most of my weekend incapacitated with a sprained ankle. I was avoiding getting plowed over by a Hummer backing out of a parking space at the mall Saturday morning and stepped in a pothole, temporarily crippling myself. I can’t blame the Hummer driver, though, since I know how hard it is to notice when a five-foot-eight woman walks behind your vehicle. How I spent my weekend:

The Horror, The Horror
I blame AMC‘s Monsterfest and Sci-Fi‘s 13 Days of Halloween. As you know, I’m a huge horror movie buff (it’s hereditary), so how can I resist non-stop horror movies? I had them on all last week at work, half-listening while I worked, determined not to jump or scream if someone came by my cubicle and inadvertently startled me. (If anyone had come by while the original Halloween was on, after everyone around me had already gone home, well, it would’ve been bad.) So since I was bedridden with ice on my ankle most of the weekend, I breezed through some of my DVDs to keep the scary movie momentum going. I watched When a Stranger Calls, Dawn of the Dead, Halloween: Resurrection (I know, I know — it sucks), and Shaun of the Dead for, oh, the thousandth time or so. (Awesome — SotD’s official site is still active.) I also watched most of the special features for DotD and SotD, which provided impressive insight into the special effects and makeup involved. Tomorrow night I’ll be going to Regal’s Halloween 4 & 5 Double Feature. Because I haven’t been jumpy and twitchy enough these last several days.

For horror’s sake, check out:

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for bed. While I continue watching Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood on AMC.

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