Tag Archives: sweet dreams

All Aboard the Baby Night Terror Train

Song Lyric of the Day:

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare / Somebody pinch me, your love’s too good to be true / (Turn the lights on)

No sooner had we gone to bed last night than Coraline woke up to be changed and fed. It was Rich’s turn to check on her; within minutes of him heading to her room, I heard her screaming like I’ve never heard her scream before. When I got to her room, Rich was trying to console her, to no avail. I tried to calm her, also to no avail. Based on the sheer terror she was exhibiting, we figured she had to be experiencing night terrors. According to BabyCenter, babies don’t experience night terrors until the age of about nine months, but we’re stumped as to what else it could have been. Anyone else out there experience anything like this with their almost-four-month-old? She was looking at us, but it was like she didn’t see us. Nothing we did calmed her down: holding her, rocking her in her glider, walking down the hall with her. She screamed so loudly she even set off the glass-break sensor, setting off our house alarm in the middle of the night. This went on for almost a half hour. We finally got her calm enough to lay her down in her crib again; she slept for a few hours after that, probably out of sheer exhaustion. I’m cautiously optimistic that it won’t happen again tonight, but we’ll see. Fingers crossed we all have a better night tonight than we did last night.

Saying her bedtime prayers

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