My Husband’s a Hottie

Song Lyric of the Day:

When the road gets dark / And you can no longer see / Just let my love throw a spark / And have a little faith in me

John Hiatt
/ “Have a Little Faith in Me”

Today’s blog title is brought to you courtesy of my newly-shorn hubby, Rich. He’d been growing his hair out so he could go as Napoleon Dynamite for Halloween; I was going to be Deb. However, it’s been so hot this summer that he decided to go ahead and get his hair cut. I’ve also been encouraging him to get a buzz cut again since it’s prominent in a couple of my favorite new TV shows this season (“Prison Break,” “Kitchen Confidential“); I told him it’s like The Rachel for men.

Rich also just saw my new wallpaper and is none too pleased that it is of my new fantasy second husband, Wentworth Miller (note to Enrique Murciano: you’re still a very close second). So I am hereby declaring to the world my undying love and devotion to my sexy, smart, wonderful, talented, buzz-cut, blue-eyed husband. I love you, honey. (Note to Wentworth and Enrique: call me on my cell. The home line is now being monitored.)

This week pretty much flew by in a blur. On Sunday Rich and I drove up to Bristol/Bluff City with Mom and Dad to meet Shawn’s family. We had a really great day and were happy to meet his parents, Jan and Don, along with his sister, Crystal, brother-in-law, Gary, grandmother, and niece and nephew. It was particularly nice to also finally meet Shawn’s son, Benjamin; he’s quite the cutie. I am happy to say that I’ve been really blessed in that all my in-laws have been wonderful additions to my family, and Shawn’s family is no exception. Thanks to them for being such gracious hosts and for a wonderful afternoon.

Monday morning I took Caleb and Yum Yum to our new vet for their initial checkups. I ended up having to leave both of them for the afternoon so Caleb could be sedated to get his nails cut and Yum Yum could have some bloodwork done. Caleb became the star patient of the day, getting visits from vet techs who weren’t even working on him–they all wanted to meet the “sweet baby” pit bull they were hearing about. Caleb had fun reveling in all the attention, despite having been so scared to walk into the vet’s office that I had to carry him in. He was still so out of it when I went to pick him up that he didn’t recognize me until he smelled my shoes and pant leg. He managed a sleepy wag and we set off for home, where he stumbled around the second floor trying to figure out why he felt the way he did. Rich and I called him “drunk puppy” for the rest of the day.

Since Monday night I’ve also been checking on Jonathan and Curry’s adorable dogs, Ned and Mojo, while they’ve been in Myrtle Beach. Samantha was nice enough to help me out by checking on them Wednesday and Thursday nights. I had fun hanging out at Jonathan and Curry’s, reading a book while the dogs tried to out-cute each other to get more attention from me. Even though they were happy that I was there, Ned would often look out the window by the front door to check for her parents. Benjamin, Jonathan’s twin brother, is taking over dog-watching duties starting tomorrow morning. I hope they’ve all managed to have a wonderful time at the beach.

Tonight I also went by Samantha’s house to check on her dog, Cyrus, since she had to help out with inventory at work. My nephew was so happy to see me, he peed on my foot. That made the drive out there worthwhile. Basically, I’ve been Dr. Dolittle all week long.

Tomorrow morning I’m finally driving to Clarksville to visit Vanessa and Ken. I can’t wait to see their house and eat dinner at the Mexican restaurant they’re always talking about. Mostly, though, I’m looking forward to renting the worst horror movies we can find (we choose them based on cover art) and staying up late watching them with Vanessa. Sometime in the near future, I hope to have a sleepover where Samantha, Vanessa, and I can have a horror movie fest. I suspect we’ll have to send the guys camping since the three of us managed to end up with men who don’t care for horror movies. Go figure.


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10 Responses to My Husband’s a Hottie

  1. Rich

    It’s been nice now that we’re in Knoxville, we’ve been able to spend lots of quality time with MOST of our relatives.

    That’s all I’m gonna say.

  2. Sex and the Sushi

    Do you agree with my conspiracy theory or just that heโ€™s fine as all hell? LOL Thanks for stopping by our blog!

    Glamour Diva
    “Wentworth Miller is my baby daddy”

  3. shera1432

    Amen about Wentworth. Bad name, scorching guy! I can’t wait to see you later and I can’t wait to pick out some awful movies!!!!

  4. Boriqua

    I don’t think he needs a conspiracy theory to help him. No worries there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. kat

    I caught him in a Mariah Carey video awhile back and…oh…my…god…he is too hot – there I said it. And, I don’t say it very often. I would def put him in as second to my hubby as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Rich

    X, it’s official. We can leave our wives, pick up Puerto Rican and Korean hotties, and offically have erred less than our sigOthers and their sinfully succulent siblings… (p.s. this is as jungian deep as I get, so get with it you google bots and get to it you real people you!

  7. Boriqua

    ROFL. Kat-it worked! Rich said I could pursue this, so now you just need to work on Christian. ;-)Sweeeet.

  8. Sam

    I’m sure I speak for both Shawn and myself when I say thank you and Rich for coming. It meant a lot that not only were mom & dad there, but that you guys were able to make it as well.
    Cyrus peed on you?? Lol. Too funny…thanks again for checking on him. Love you

  9. Anonymous

    Hey thanx again for looking in on the hellhounds….let us know when we can return the favor…we figured rather than cheesy suoveniors ,you’d rather just have dinner with us when we got back …Although there was the t-shirt with an alpaca on it that said “Tina, you fat lard ,come get some ham!!” -JONNIE-

  10. Anonymous

    WOW!! I really butchered the spelling of souvenirs, didn’t I now???

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