Thoughts Scattered Like Leaves in the Wind

Song Lyric of the Day:

So you were born in an electrical storm / Took a bite out the sun / Saw your future in a machine built for two / Now your rays, make me kind of go crazy, shocked and awe and amaze me / Just a ticker tape parade and me

OK Go / “Do What You Want”

I’ve been completely scatterbrained this week. I actually woke up Tuesday morning and had no idea what day it was. My mind is going about a thousand miles a minute, it seems. I guess it’s a combination of things: work (busy but fun), home improvement, Samantha’s wedding, planning a visit from out-of-town friends, planning a visit to New York City, budgeting for new tires, finally going to the doctor about my bum hip, yada yada yada. I can honestly say that the week has flown by; I can’t believe tomorrow it will be Friday already.

Tonight our contractor, Jeff, came over to discuss starting demolition on the Florida room. Our doors and windows were delivered a few days ago, so we’re ready to start. I will, of course, be photographing every step of the remodel and posting photos here as the project progresses. I also suspect we might finally have to put Caleb on doggy Prozac. We’ll see how well he handles the noise and disruption. I know Snoops won’t be in the least bit fazed by the activity; she’s a real trooper.

As I mentioned, I finally got around to seeing an orthopedic specialist about my right hip. The good news is it’s not bursitis, as a general practitioner diagnosed in May 2004. The bad news is, the doctor isn’t sure exactly what the problem is, so I have to go in for an MRI next Friday, which has me a bit scared. I’m not claustrophobic, but the idea of being in a narrow metal tube freaks me out more than you can imagine. The nurse who scheduled the MRI for me was nice enough to call the other office and ask if I would have to go all the way in the tube. Lucky me, being tall means that I might only have to go in as far as my neck. Any farther, I’m going to ask for a nice valium cocktail to help me relax.

After work I headed over to my headshot photographer‘s studio, but I missed her by about seven minutes, so I need to get by this weekend to get my comp cards ordered (my agent let me know which two photos she wants me to use). The sooner I get my comp card, the sooner my agent can submit me for acting and/or modeling jobs, and the sooner I can pay back my Apple loan and pay off my last credit cards. Seeing as how I missed her, I headed to Borders (it was closer than Barnes & Noble) to see if I could find a certain magazine, which I did. Any self-respecting Wentworth Miller fan needs to run, not walk, to their nearest bookstore and pick up the August issue of Details magazine. Why? Because he looks like this:

*Scan courtesy of Wentworth Miller Online.

And now you know why he’s called The Pretty.

I think I need to buy Rich a Maxim magazine so we can call it even. For now.

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One Response to Thoughts Scattered Like Leaves in the Wind

  1. shera1432

    He does look good on the cover, but buying Rich an issue of MAXIM would not make it even!

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