
Song Lyric of the Day:

Sorry if I don’t see you / Mind me if my eyes cross you / Keep in mind I’m not here / I’m in a different zone

Ximena Sariñana / “Different

So I managed to fall off the face of the earth again, didn’t I? Last time I posted, it was Coraline’s first birthday. And, yes, I am still working on her 1st birthday letter (as well as her 13-month letter) since I got sidetracked not only by planning her birthday party but by an accompanying very large, very involved photography project. A project which I also have yet to finish. Story of my life, no?

Admittedly, I turned into a party-planning momzilla when it came to Coraline’s first birthday party — it. had. to. be. perfect. But her party went off without a hitch, and she had a blast, as did our family and friends who attended. Once I make some more progress with the aforementioned photography project, I can write a post about Coraline’s party. And some of the other stuff that’s gone on in the meantime, like an awesome visit from my best friend, Caren, who just so happens to be Coraline’s godmother. Caren, who along with Rich, got me to agree to an 11-mile bike ride around the Cades Cove Loop. A ride which I not only tried but completed. That’s right — I, a part-part-part-part-part-time biker, survived an 11-mile bike ride. My ass, on the other hand, is another story. (Dear Santa, Please bring me bike shorts for Christmas. Thanks!)

You know, all this stuff lately made me realize that a lot of the really prolific mommybloggers, the ones who earn money and free products from what they write, do not hold full-time outside jobs. I have a full-time job outside the home and only one child and can barely find the time to post on a regular basis. Which I think is why a stay-at-home mom with three kids can post however many times a day. I’m amazed by the moms who work outside the home (including one particular co-worker) who manage to blog as much as they do. I imagine all of those productive bloggers are also fueled by a crapload of coffee and quite possibly go on next to no sleep. I, on the other hand, am a total whore for my sleep, so blogging be damned. If I don’t get at least six hours, I’m not really functional. And only six hours is really pushing it. Well, that was an odd little side tangent, wasn’t it?  See, that’s what happens when I don’t get enough sleep.

Now to get to bed, try to get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep, and try to remember to blog again tomorrow.

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