Tag Archives: coraline


On the days I get to work from home, I make a point to send Rich a cute video or picture of Coraline to help his workday go a little faster. These days Coraline is all about going outside, which she pronounces “owsiiiiide,” so I figured our quick afternoon sojourn on the side patio was a good opportunity to film a short video for her poppa. (filmed 4/11/12)

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Happy Easter!

Wearing her Easter finest, Coraline goes in search of the Easter Bunny (photo taken 4/7/12).

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Today Coraline Is a Big Cousin

My first niece, Miranda, was born this morning in Alabama, making Coraline a big cousin. I can’t wait for them to meet.

Welcome to the World, Miranda

Miranda, 7.2 lbs., 18 inches


Expressing her ennui while her Abuela holds her

Proud Big Brother

Elliott is giddy over his baby sister's arrival

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Photoblogging: First Day of Daycare

Daycare day 1 outfit

Wearing her direct-from-NYC outfit sent by her Great-Aunt Bea for the first day of daycare

With Mommy on first day of daycare

Posing (but not smiling) with Mommy before leaving for daycare

With Poppa on first day of daycare

Wondering why Mommy and Poppa are making more of a fuss than usual this morning

Coraline with books daycare day 1

Within two minutes of arriving at daycare, Coraline had made new friends and found books. She's going to be just fine.


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D-Day (Updated)

Song Lyric of the Day:

Under the table, nobody’s there / Under the ceiling, under the stairs / A funny feeling, my head is sleeping / I want you to come home

Chappo / “Come Home

Today is a day I knew was coming for a while now, but that hasn’t made it any easier to face: Today is Coraline’s first day of daycare.

Until today, my mom has watched Coraline four days a week, with me being fortunate enough to be able to work from home one day a week. It’s been a wonderful arrangement — Rich and I know Coraline’s in great hands, Coraline gets to spend lots of time with her cousin Stephen, my dad is off on Fridays so she gets to be with both my parents, and I get a day where I get to watch my free-range baby tear around our basement while I work. But Rich and I decided a while back that Coraline should experience at least one day a week of daycare. That way she gets more socialization with kids her own age (although she’s always played well with other kids) and, God help me, gets needed exposure to germs. After months on a waiting list, we got the call last Tuesday that a spot had opened up for three days a week. We decided on two days and took Coraline to the daycare on Wednesday to meet her teachers and classmates. Within seconds of Rich setting her down, a little boy, W, gave Coraline his favorite book. After that, Coraline relaxed and set off to explore her new classroom. She enjoyed checking out the new toys, and at one pont was surrounded by three little boys, including W, who was resting his chin on his hands staring at her. It was too cute, although I know Rich would rather not have his daughter on the receiving end of googly eyes.

The timing of this spot opening up has been really fortuitous since my mom will be having knee-replacement surgery in the near future; we were going to be in need of an alternate child-care solution as I can’t work from home every day of the week. As it is, once Mom has the surgery, I’ll be working from home some, working at the office, and using my lunch breaks to take Mom to her physical therapy appointments. In light of that, knowing Coraline will be in daycare at least half the week is a huge relief.

Still, this is a big change for all of us, and it’s bittersweet. It’s a rite of passage of sorts, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be any easier to hand our baby off to strangers this morning. Experienced, credentialed strangers, but strangers nonetheless (at least for now). While my mom knew this was going to happen eventually, I know she’s going to miss having Coraline around those two days each week. But she understands why we’re doing it. My poor dad, on the other hand, was just devastated. I felt like a monster telling him, he was so crushed. I think he felt like we were taking away his little girl, that tiny chatterbox who runs to the door to greet him when he gets home from work every night and “tells” him about her day as only she can. He’s made peace with it now, but like Rich, Mom, Stephen, and myself, he’ll still have a little bit of an adjustment period. Good thing we live so close to each other.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put on my brave face and do my best not to cry.

UPDATE:Making a new friend

No tears on dropoff. She immediately ran off to make new friends. She’s going to be just fine.  🙂

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Coraline’s Faves: YouTube Videos

Song Lyric of the Day:

Lalalala lalalala / Elmo’s world / Lalalala lalalala / Elmo’s world / Elmo loves his goldfish / His crayons too / That’s Elmo’s Worrrlllldddd

Elmo / “Elmo’s World

Coraline has not been a big TV watcher so far — at least not at our house. While at my parents’ house, she enjoys Sesame Street, Caillou, WordWorld, and (God help me) Barney. At our house, though, she makes it about eight minutes into an episode of Olivia before losing interest. Elmo segments on Sesame Street are a whole different beast, though. I’m pretty sure she’d watch Elmo until her eyeballs fell out of her head if we’d let her. That said, Coraline’s still relatively short TV-watching attention span makes short YouTube videos perfect for her.

Here are some of Coraline’s favorite YouTube videos, the videos we curl up on the couch to watch together when she’s tired, wants to laugh, or just needs to get her Elmo fix on.

Cute, meowing kittens? Coraline likes to watch this video when she’s winding down for the night.

The Muppets. Mahna Mahna. And now you know exactly why Coraline loves this clip.

Cute, giggly Micah never fails to make Coraline laugh.

Coraline likes to watch this sweet video right before bedtime. I find it so incredibly sweet, that had I watched this while pregnant with her, I would’ve bawled like a baby.

B-I-N-G-O. And Bingo was his name-o.

Sleepy, swaying kitten = a hypnotized Coraline

This clip stars Elmo. Enough said.

This clip stars Elmo. Enough said.

This clip stars Elmo. Enough said. (Although I admit the dancing on the moon bit cracks me up.)

This clip stars Elmo. Enough said. I also enjoy this clip, but the song will be in your head for DAYS. DAYS. Consider yourself warned.


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Dear Coraline: Month 16

Dear Coraline,

It’s hard to believe, but as of today, you, my crazy little monkey, turned 16 months old. At your most recent checkup, your belated 15-month well baby visit (your doctor was on vacation last month), you weighed in at an impressive 22.6 pounds and measured 30 1/2 inches tall. Your hair is as thick as ever, you have a mouth full of teeth (I think you’re only waiting on the last two), and you have a personality so big it’s hard to believe your little body can contain it.

HuggieMonth 16 started off with you noticing you can toss your head to flip your hair out of your eyes (very baby emo), followed by your second Christmas, a day during which you celebrated with your entire family at both Abuela and Abuelo’s house and then Grandma and Grandpa’s house. You not only had a blast seeing everyone and dancing mosh-pit style to Christmas music with your cousins Stephen and Elliott, but you received lots of neat clothes and enough toys to stock an orphanage, some of which we still have yet to open precisely because you received so many.

Coraline Christmas 2011Your vocabulary has grown leaps and bounds these last few weeks. In addition to “momma,” “poppa,” and “dada,” you can now say: grandpa, banana (pronounced “nana”), shoes, socks, dog, cheese, good, cake, more, no, milk, uh-oh, book, ball, Elmo, apple, and dinosaur. You learned apple, milk, more, and cake this last Saturday alone; your abuela heard you say “dinosaur” today thanks to your fondness for the show Dinosaur Train. Your favorite word these days seems to be “Elmo.” You love watching Sesame Street, particularly the Elmo’s World segment, and you constantly try to steal my iPad because you know you can play Elmo Loves ABCs on it and watch Elmo videos on YouTube. You are very expressive and decisive, saying “no” to let us know when you don’t want a certain food, if you don’t want to wear that particular pair of shoes, or if you don’t want a certain book read at bedtime. You love saying “shoes” because, well, you love shoes. You’ve tried putting your cousin Stephen’s shoes on his feet for him and your poppa once saw you putting your tiny foot in one of his very large shoes. One day you even picked out a pair of shoes and asked your poppa to put those on you instead of the ones you were already wearing. On Saturday you not only picked out the Dr. Seuss T-shirt you wanted to wear, you also shot down both my shoe suggestions in favor of your shiny black patent-leather pair. And you were right — they really did add a little extra oomph to your outfit. (Ah, sweetie, some day you and I will have fun shoe shopping. On sale, of course. Remember what I tell you when we run errands: We shop sales in this family.)

The shoes Abuelo gave you for ChristmasYour love of reading continues to develop, with you enjoying a pre-bedtime ritual of scouring your bookshelves (and floor) in search of the perfect bedtime story. You’ll hunt high and low until you find the books you’re looking for, hand it to me, then turn around and back up to me so I can pick you up and put you in my lap. Your favorites these days are still Good Night, Dora, Lull-a-bye, Little One, Curious George Visits the Zoo, and Baa Baa Bedtime. I’m pretty sure if you had a full vocabulary, you’d be able to recite them by heart. You also have a nice cache of books downstairs in the den, which you sit and “read” to yourself or occasionally ask your poppa or I to read to you.

Coraline choosing bedtime storiesYour comprehension of things is something to behold now. You understand so much of what we say, and you are an incredibly fast learner. You are also quite the little ham, walking around with your arms behind your back, military-style (thanks to mimicking Stephen) and, as of a few days ago, walking around with your arms folded over your head. You know when you’re being funny and always check to see if we’re watching you, doing your patented slow-mo eye roll where you don’t move your head at all, only your eyes. You’ve also taken to smirking while doing your little eye roll, probably because you know it will make us laugh.

Coraline in her swagger wagon

Scrunchie faceYou’re growing and learning new things at the speed of light. Your energy knows no bounds, as demonstrated at your friend Danica’s fifth birthday party at Tataru’s gym this past weekend. (I spy gymnastics classes in your future.) The best part of each workday for me is coming home and watching you play and playing with you in our den before you wind down for bedtime. On the nights I put you to bed (Poppa and I alternate nights), I always make a point to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you for being such a smart, sweet, amazing little girl. Then I thank you, because I’m so honored to be your mommy. And I always will be.

Sweetie pielove,


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Baby Doppelganger?

Song Lyric of the Day:

When we’re together / Grey skies are clear, oh / And I’ll share them, till where I’m less depressed / And it’s sincerely, from the bottom of my heart / I just can’t take it when we’re apart

Randy Newman / “We Belong Together

For my work team’s holiday celebration, we took our first-ever field trip and went to see The Muppets. Before the movie, there’s a new Pixar Toy Story short, Small Fry. Almost immediately after it started, my boss leaned forward and said, “She looks just like your daughter!” She was speaking of the little girl Bonnie, who I have to agree has a bit of a resemblance to Coraline. Behold:

Pixar's Bonnie

My Coraline

Granted, this picture of Coraline doesn’t (I think) adequately capture the resemblance, which is strongest in person, but it was the best shot I had access to today. What do you think? And who does your own small fry resemble?

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My Happy for the Day: Nurse Caleb Checks on His Patient

Caleb has fussed over Coraline more than usual since she’s been sick. Fortunately for him, she loves the attention.


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One: Happy Birthday to Coraline


Happy birthday to my sweet little girl. I can't believe it's already been one year. Thank you for being such an amazing little girl, and for making me laugh every day. I love you and hope all your birthday wishes come true.

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